Db Ramverk journey with Jarreau Vandal

Have you ever wondered what the perspective is of the products we use each day? Your phone, ear pods, bicycle, the hat you’re wearing or your suitcase you’re carrying? Looking at life from a different point of view gives you insights you wouldn’t have otherwise. Together with Db we sought out to give you that view of life. For Db it’s all about the journey and if you’ve got to be honest, isn’t that journey always interesting? The sights you pass, the people you meet underway, the different smells and sounds.

Jarreau Vandal has always been an inspiring character, so when we heard about his gig at the world-renowned Phonox we immediately knew what to do: how would his journey to London look like if we were to show it from the point of view of the trusty Db Ramverk Pro. How does Jarreau prepare for a night to remember? What does he bring? How does energise himself for a night and club filled with energy? If those questions wander in your mind, look no further. 

Db Journey

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